Easter Holiday Reading Competition!

Do you love to read in weird and wonderful places?

Do you have any unusual reading buddies?

Do you spend time creating the ultimate reading den?

The competition is for children to take pictures in the most unique, interesting and unusual places! How far can you take your reading!?!?!

There will be a fantastic prize for a child from every year group for the most unusual reading place! And even a small prize for every child who takes part.

Sounds great! How do I enter?

To be in with a chance of winning, simply take a photo of you doing your “unusual reading” and write a short review of the book you are reading.

 I want to see strange places, silly costumes and as many wacky ideas as possible!

Just remember to stay safe and get help from an adult if you need to!

 Send your entries to claire.cooke@allertonceprimary.com or bring into school.   

This competition closes on Monday 15th  April 2019.

Good luck and happy reading!

Miss Cooke 

World Book Day!

KS1 have had a great day celebrating world book day. The children enjoyed sharing their favourite books and stories; took part in a Key Stage 1 Book day quiz; did lots of book themed activities in class and 1CC were even treated to a parent sharing her favourite story!

The winners of the quiz will be announced in next Thursday’s Key Stage 1 assembly and there will be prizes for the winning team!

A fantastic Year 2 Book night…

year 2 thoroughly enjoyed tonight’s book night to celebrate world book day. The children came dressed in their pajamas and enjoyed a book character scavenger hunt; a book quiz; making dens and reading and sharing stories by torchlight; making puppets and book character themed activities and the evening was finished off with a bedtime story read by Miss Savage whilst the children enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits. ?

Our new Free Little Library…

On Friday our very own Free little library was installed outside the entrance of school.  Anyone can borrow books and return them after reading or if you have books at home you can donate books for others to enjoy. Thank you to Mrs Whiteley and the members of the school council who have been working on this project the last term. It’s a wonderful addition to our school so please enjoy using it. ?