All things Roald Dahl

Kids on books

Over the past few weeks the Page Turners have been reading all things Roald Dahl. We talked about some of the books that we had read and George’s Marvellous Medicine and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were the most popular with The Witches, James and Giant Peach and the Enormous Crocodile favoured next.

Next week we will be getting arty crafty and making our own enormous crocodiles or newts,  Mr Twit beards, designing our medicine for George and his Grandma or going colour crazy and colour in one of the dahlicious colouring sheets.


Page Turners get Creative

Pageturners bookmarks

This week the Page Turners got arty crafty and created their own bookmarks. By the end of the meeting there was an array of bookmarks, some had been decorated with stickers or intricate coloured designs and there were several bookworms complete with googly eyes.

At the next meeting we will be checking out the World Book Day books.